Wanna help the kids in Japan?

Today someone told me about this amazing thing that the store OshKosh B'Gosh is doing to help the kids that survived the tsunami in Japan. So many kids that survived lost all they had (clothing, shoes, toys, everything). So what they are doing is having people all over the world make origami cranes. For every crane they receive they will donate a new piece of clothing! How awesome is that?! Once you make the crane you can either:
-take it into an OshKosh B'Gosh store
-take a picture of it and post it here-facebook.com/oshkoshbgosh
-you can mail it to them at:
Cranes for Kids 
OshKosh B’Gosh
One Waterview Drive
Shelton, CT 06484
- OR bring them by my office by April 25th and I will go and drop them off! If you do not know where my office is you can e-mail me at angelap@lakepointe.org and I will give you the location :)

Here is the website if you would like to check it out for yourself!
-Angela Platt


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This is a blog to keep the parents of Lake Pointe Church's preteens in the know about what is going on with our 4th and 5th graders! There will be updates about new events going on in our ministry and updates about the topics that we are covering during our weekend bible studies.
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