Surge- Service Project Night!

A few weeks ago we did a Surge Service Project Night! We had all kinds of different activities for the kids to do. Some of the projects helped people around Rockwall while others helped people in Japan! Here are a few pictures and stats from our Service Project night!

Letters to volunteers: We had the kids write thank you letters to the team of teachers that serve during Bible Study on the weekend! We had 33 letters written to different volunteers!

Letter to our military: We collected the names of friends, family, and fellow church members that are currently serving in our military. We were able to send out 29 letters to soldiers stationed all over the world!!

Cranes for Kids: The company Osh Kosh B'Gosh was donating an item of clothing, to the children in Japan that were affected by the tsunami, for every paper crane that was sent to them. We were able to donate 40 cranes! 

Blankets for the Sudan: We were able to partner with a few girls in the youth department to make blankets to send (along with Bibles) to a few women in the Sudan. We were able to make 4 blankets! 

 Eater Eggs: Lake Pointe was hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for the people of Rockwall. We had 15,000 eggs that had to be separated by age and time. The kids did an amazing job! Just looking at all the eggs made my head hurt! 

It's amazing what 50 4th and 5th graders can do in 1 hour :) 

-Angela Platt


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This is a blog to keep the parents of Lake Pointe Church's preteens in the know about what is going on with our 4th and 5th graders! There will be updates about new events going on in our ministry and updates about the topics that we are covering during our weekend bible studies.
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